Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thing #6: Tagging

It's Delicious!

I really like tagging things, because it's I like categorizing things. A little too much. I got a little bit off-task in tagging all the links I liked! The site was easy to sign up for and even easier to find links to tag. I typed in "school librarian" and found sites from website listings for reference material to survival tips to technology tips. One of's greatest feature is the ability to see other people's tags for suggestions. It helped me when I couldn't think of the tag(s) I wanted to use.

This would work great for my own research in teaching lessons, as well as my co-worker's in teaching their material. This would be easy to teach to students. I think mainly older students would appreciate the usefulness of, but the simplicity would allow any age to use the site.

LiveBinder reminds me a bit of  OneNote, only for showing website links and content. I like that you can add your own material, too, like in OneNote. Since our Social Studies Department uses OneNote for interactive binders at my school, they might like LiveBinder. It's one downfall I could see is that PowerPoints can't be embedded, but have to be uploaded to a third-party website that hosts PowerPoints like SlideShare.

1 comment:

  1. To me, "tags" are the rest of the world's way of using "subject headings" like we have done in library-land for ages.
